Welcome to Christ Episcopal Church
Valdosta, Georgia

News this Week

Worship Services
April 28:
8:00a – Holy Eucharist – Rite I
10:00a – Holy Eucharist – Rite II
6:00p – Vespers – Zoom
Upcoming Events
April 28 – 9:15a – Christian Education, Choir Practice
11:15a – Coffee Hour
5:30p – EYC
April 29 – 5:30p – Evening Prayer
April 30 – 7:30p – Valencia Bible Study
May 1 – 1:30p – Garden Guild
6:30p – Choir Practice
May 2  – 9:00a – Bible Study at Tammy Borders’ Home
May 4 – 10a – Altar Guild
Please continue to pray for Father Hal, and the Vestry.

Please join us for in-person worship.


April 24, 2024

The above video will begin at 9:50 a.m. on Sunday, April 28, 2024.

Above is our most recent video. This video is a Livestreaming of the 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Service, Sunday, April 21, 2024.

All past videos can be found via Facebook, or YouTube at the links below.

The 10 a.m. service is livestreamed on the Christ Church’s FaceBook page and on the church’s YouTube channel .


Welcome and thank you for visiting our website.

One of the nicest things people say when visiting Christ Church is “that it feels like a holy and fun place.” I understand that to mean the people visiting with us recognize us as a healthy, joyful, and growing family of Christians in the Episcopal tradition. That is who we are, with God’s help. The following pages will give you a taste of our lives together.

We are called to ministry in the name of the risen Jesus. At Christ Church you are invited to find your place in our many ministries. As Episcopalians, we believe we are called to gather as a faith community to worship, learn about the Bible, and to receive the sacraments. Yet, we are also called to gather beyond Sunday mornings. We are called to gather in ministry, outreach and in prayer.

At Christ Church, we believe we are called to learn. We are called to learn the language of the bible, the liturgy—how we worship, traditions of the church-and Christ church-and reason; some say common sense or experience. We are a safe place to discern God’s will and where challenging questions can be explored.

As Episcopalians, we believe we are named to invest in ministry because each of us has a talent or skill we can put to good use. We invite you to join us in finding our places at the table where our time, talent and resources serve to further God’s realm within our families, our neighborhood, and our niche of the world.

We believe we are called to give our faith away by word and deed. We are called to be evangelists, to share the story of how Jesus makes a difference in our lives. We are Jesus’ voice, hands, and feet in the world.

Whatever your interest, we believe and hope you will find our website helpful in discerning Jesus’ call to you. You will find meaningful and energetic ministries for all ages, elders, grownups—mostly, college students, teens, elementary school students and younger. We are especially proud of our use of the Godly Play curriculum. We would love for you to check us out and for you to become a part of our family. If you are not fed where you worship, breaking bread with us is where you should be.

Grace and peace,

Hal; Pastor and Priest

Information about the Episcopal Church and what we believe can be found here.

Click this poster for the Diocese of Georgia’s summer camp program at Honey Creek for more information, or go here: http://honeycreek.org/camps/

For even more information about the youth programs of the Diocese of Georgia, go here: https://gaepiscopal.org/youth

Click on the image below to see our Calendar of Events for April 2024

 Facebook page | Instagram pageYouTube channel | Recordings webpage